Re6st Components

Description of all the components involved in a re6st node and re6st registry
  • Last Update:2024-06-10
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

This page presents a list of the components involved in re6st (node and registry).

See P-RE6ST.Re6st.Control.Flow.Summary to get a summary of the control flow of re6st.

Re6st Node

Registry client (HTTP / HTTPS)

Makes RPC (Remote Procedure Calls) to registry

At startup:

  • Request token, certificate, certificate authority Get bootstrap peer Get country Get parameters (network, OpenVPN diffie hellman)
  • When certificate will expire soon: renew certificate

If network parameters change:

  • Get new parameters

HTTP / HTTPS because initally nodes don't have IPv6 and only know the registry URL

Node communication (through re6st, port 326)

  • Initial hello handshake, protocol exchange
  • Ask peer's openVPN server address
  • Ask peer to kill tunnel

Tunnel management

  • Create new openVPN tunnels
  • Destroy tunnels with worst score
  • Get tunnel scores by querying babel


  • OpenVPN client processes: connect to a remote openVPN server address (IP, port, protocol)
  • OpenVPN server processes: accept connections from openVPN clients


Cache stores results from registry RPC, and connection attempts:

  • cache.db
    • Store peer OpenVPN addresses and country
    • Store network configuration
  • volatile
    • Store number of openVPN connection attempts to each peer address


Babeld is given a list of interfaces, and it will:

  • discover the other re6st nodes through these interfaces
  • compute distance to each re6st node
  • add routes in the kernel for each node
  • add default gateway if --default is enabled


HTTP Server

Answer RPC from re6st nodes


  • Store network configuration
  • Store node certificates
  • Store tokens