How To Request A KVM

How to Request A KVM
  • Last Update:2021-03-11
  • Version:001
  • Language:en

Access Panel

Access the panel via The Services page is here for you.

Request KVM

Now you are in the "Services" page. On the page's navigation bar, you can find a button "Add", click it, you will enter a workflow which will create a software.

Select Software: KVM

The first stage is: 1/3 Select one Software. Here you will see a list which contains some softwares, choose "KVM" and click.

Select Latest Release

You will enter the second stage: 2/3 Select one Release. Select the latest version of KVM (1.0.168 for example).  

Request Service: KVM

Now you are in the third stage: 3/3 Request Service: KVM. Input a title for your KVM.

Click “Proceed”, wait a bit. 


Verify Software Requested

In the "Services" page, you can see the KVM you just requested. Click and enter, wait until the "instance" button becoming green. You will find more details about your KVM


Access KVM

For example, with the Monitoring Status turning green, there are Connection Parameters for you to access the KVM. You will be navigated to your KVM via url parameter: it will be a noVNC interface, you can start playing your KVM by installing an operating system(Default OS: Debian 10). Note: please select ens3 rather than ens4 when the installation guide asks the network.