Wendelin Tutorial - HowTo Install Wendelin on Webrunner

Tutorial showing how to install Wendelin on webrunner.
  • Last Update:2020-08-05
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Install Wendelin Software on Webrunner


In this tutorial we will learn how to install Wendelin on a webrunner.



Open Software Release

  • In your webrunner click Open Softwere Release.

Wendelin Software Release

  • Open Slapos > Software > Wendelin and click Open Software.

Install Wendelin

  • Click Green arrow to start compilation.

Install Wendelin

  • Follow the log on the screen.
  • Compilation takes several hours.
  • IF compilation fails, click the green arrow again. It might be needed to restart the compilation few times.
  • Installation is successfully finished when both Building and Running state are Complete

Connection Information

  • When installation is complete, switch to the Services and click Connection Information tab.
  • In slappart0 you should see something like in the screenshot above.
  • Note down family-default-v6, inituser-login and inituser-password parameters, you will need it later.