How To Add New Site

How to add a new site on Rapid.Space panel
  • Last Update:2024-08-06
  • Version:001
  • Language:en


  • Login to Rapid.Space Panel
  • Sites Menu
  • Add New Site
  • Add Site Geo-coordinates

Sites correspond to an organisation in the underlying ERP5 Interface a site, because organisations can have geo-coordinates. Sites are used to locate computers on a map.

Login to Rapid.Space Panel

SlapOS Dashboard - Login

Log into the Rapid.Space Panel.

Sites Menu

SlapOS Dashboard - Sites

Locate the Sites entry on the side panel which will take you to the list of declared sites.

Add New Site

SlapOS Dashboard - Add A Site

To add a new site, locate the Add button in the sub-header. Click to add a new site.

Add Organisation

SlapOS Dashboard - Name the Site

Give a name to your site (organisation), then click Proceed

Site Created

SlapOS Dashboard - Create Site

You will be forwarded to the new site you created. Notice it does not have any geo-coordinates yet and the status fields for computers and partitions on this site are also grey (indicating no info available or no items).

Add Site Geo-coordinates

SlapOS Dashboard - Add Site Geocoordinates

Next, find the site's geo-coordinates (for example using, add them to the site and click Save. You will have to refresh the page for the map to update.

Once the site is created, to associate a computer with this site, please follow How To Associate A Computer.

Thank You

Image Nexedi Office
  • Nexedi SA
  • 147 Rue du Ballon
  • 59110 La Madeleine
  • France